

Tags: Glossary

The number of times a labor action is taken during a manufacturing or assembly process. Touches are typically used to measure efficiency or for costing and pricing purposes.

What is Touches?

Touches are a fundamental concept in the field of logistics, particularly in the context of manufacturing and assembly processes. They serve as a metric to measure the number of times a labor action is taken during these processes. By understanding and analyzing touches, businesses can evaluate the efficiency of their operations, as well as determine accurate costing and pricing for their products.

In essence, touches refer to any physical interaction or action performed by a worker during the manufacturing or assembly of a product. These actions can include tasks such as picking up a component, assembling parts, inspecting quality, packaging, or any other manual labor involved in the production process. Each time a worker performs one of these actions, it is counted as a touch.

The concept of touches is crucial for businesses to assess the efficiency of their operations. By tracking the number of touches required to complete a product, companies can identify potential bottlenecks or areas where the process can be streamlined. For example, if a particular product requires a high number of touches compared to similar products, it may indicate inefficiencies in the production line that need to be addressed.

Moreover, touches play a significant role in costing and pricing decisions. By understanding the number of touches involved in manufacturing a product, businesses can accurately allocate labor costs and determine the overall cost of production. This information is vital for setting competitive prices that cover expenses while ensuring profitability.

Reducing the number of touches can lead to increased efficiency and cost savings. By optimizing the manufacturing or assembly process, businesses can minimize unnecessary actions, eliminate redundancies, and improve productivity. This can be achieved through various strategies such as implementing automation, reorganizing workstations, or providing training to workers to enhance their skills and reduce errors.

However, it is important to note that the concept of touches should not be viewed in isolation. It should be considered alongside other factors such as quality, lead time, and customer satisfaction. While reducing touches can improve efficiency, it should not compromise the quality of the final product or result in longer lead times. Striking the right balance between touches and other performance indicators is crucial for achieving overall operational excellence.

In conclusion, touches are a valuable metric in logistics, particularly in manufacturing and assembly processes. They provide insights into the efficiency of operations, help determine accurate costing and pricing, and serve as a basis for process improvement. By understanding and optimizing touches, businesses can enhance their competitiveness, reduce costs, and deliver high-quality products to their customers.

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